M. Hadi Amini
Assistant Professor
Machine learning and Optimization Algorithms, Distributed Algorithms, Federated Learning, Sensor...
Leonardo Bobadilla
Associate Professor
Mobile Robotics, Planning Algorithms, Cyber-Physical Systems Dr. Leonardo Bobadilla (FIU)...
Mark A. Finlayson
Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks Dr. Mark A....
Christine Lisetti
Associate Professor
Human-Certified Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Social Agents, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Affective...
Ananda Mondal
Assistant Professor
Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning with Special Interest in Deep...
Giri Narasimhan
Algorithms, Bioinformatics, and Data Science Dr. Narasimhan is a professor...
Niki Pissinou
Augmented Reality based Networks, Internet of Things Dr. Pissinou has...
Raju Rangaswami
Machine Learning Raju Rangaswami is Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor at...
Fahad Saeed
Associate Professor
Parallel Algorithms, Big Data, HPC, and Computational Systems Biology Fahad...
Xueping (Susan) Liang
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
Dr. Xueping (Susan) Liang is an Assistant Professor in the...
M. Hadi Amini
Machine learning and Optimization Algorithms, Distributed Algorithms, Federated Learning, Sensor Networks, Interdependent Networks, Critical Infrastructure Resilience
M. Hadi Amini is an Assistant Professor at the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He is the director of Sustainability, Optimization, and Learning for InterDependent networks laboratory (www.solidlab.network). He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2019, where he received his M.Sc. degree in 2015. He also holds a doctoral degree in Computer Science and Technology. Prior to that, he received M.Sc. degree from Tarbiat Modares University in 2013, and the B.Sc. degree from Sharif University of Technology in 2011. His research interests include distributed optimization and learning algorithms, distributed computing and intelligence, sensor networks, interdependent networks, and cyber-physical-social resilience. Application domains include smart cities, energy systems, transportation electrification, and healthcare. His research on federated learning and optimization algorithms, and their applications has received over $1M funding from several funding agencies as of February 2022.
Hadi is a life member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of IEEE. He served as President of Carnegie Mellon University Energy Science and Innovation Club; and as technical program committee of several IEEE and ACM conferences. He also serves as Associate Editor of multiple journals, including Data Science for Communications (Frontiers in Communications and Networks). He has published more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers, and book chapters. He edited/authored eight books. He is the recipient of the best paper award from “2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence”, 2021 best journal paper award from “Springer Nature Operations Research Forum Journal”, best reviewer award from four IEEE Transactions, the best journal paper award in “Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy”, and the dean’s honorary award from the President of Sharif University of Technology.
See more about Dr.Amini here: www.hadiamini.com
Leonardo Bobadilla
Mobile Robotics, Planning Algorithms, Cyber-Physical Systems
Dr. Leonardo Bobadilla (FIU) is currently an Assistant Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He is interested in understanding the information requirements for solving fundamental robotics tasks such as navigation, patrolling, tracking, and motion safety and has deployed test-beds that can track and control a large number of mobile units that require minimal sensing, actuation, and computation. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has received several awards and has published 37 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. His research articles have appeared in prestigious journals such as IEEE Journal of Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, and ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. His research has been sponsored by the Army Research Office, Department of Homeland Security, NSF, and the Ware Foundation. He has graduated three Ph.D. students and one master’s student who are well placed in major companies and universities.
See more about Dr.Bobadilla here: Leonardo Bobadilla (fiu.edu)
View Dr.Bobadilla projects here: Prof. Leonardo Bobadilla Projects
Mark A. Finlayson
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks
Dr. Mark A. Finlayson is an Eminent Scholar Chaired Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Cognitive Science from MIT in 2012 under the supervision of Patrick H. Winston. He also received his M.S. from MIT in 2001 and his B.S. from the University of Michigan in 1998, both in Electrical Engineering. Before joining SCIS he was a Research Scientist in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) for 2½ years. His research focuses on representing, extracting, and using higher-order semantic patterns in natural language, especially focusing on narrative. His work intersects artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and cognitive science. He directs the Cognac Laboratory (The Cognition, Language, and Culture lab), whose members focus on investigating the science of narrative from a computational point of view. His research has been funded by the NSF, NIH, DARPA, OSD, ONR, DHS, and IBM. He was the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award in 2018 and an IBM Faculty Award in 2019. He was named Edison Fellow for Artificial Intelligence for 2019-2021 at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He has received multiple teaching awards at FIU, plus an FIU faculty award for research and creative activities in 2019.
See more about Dr. Finlayson here: Mark A. Finlayson (fiu.edu)
View Dr. Finlayson’s projects here: Prof. Mark Finlayson Projects
Christine Lisetti
Human-Certified Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Social Agents, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Affective Computing, and Virtual Reality
Dr. Christine Lætitia Lisetti is an Associate Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University, and the director of the Affective Social Computing Laboratory (ascl.cs.fiu.edu). She received her Ph.D. in computer science from Florida International University in 1995, and in 1996 she was awarded the Individual Research Award from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to conduct her Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Stanford University, jointly in computer science and psychology. She joined FIU from ENST/Sophia, France where she was a professor, and was previously an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Central Florida.
Dr. Lisetti’s work on affective social computing aims at creating digital and engaging socially intelligent agents that can interact naturally with humans via expressive multi-modalities in a variety of contexts involving socio-emotional content. Her interests involve research on virtual characters for health communication and behavior change. While in Europe, her research was supported by grants from the European Commission (EC), EUREKA Information Technology for European Advancement (ITEA), the Provence-Alpes Cote d’Azur (PACA) Regional R&D Program, and ST Microelectronics. Dr. Lisetti has received funding from Interval Research Corporation, Intel Corporation, Vcom3D, as well as from Federal funding agencies including the Office of Naval Research (ONR), US Army STRICOM, NASA Ames, the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
See more about Dr.Lisetti here: Christine Lisetti – Home (fiu.edu)
Ananda Mondal
Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning with Special Interest in Deep Learning, and Bioinformatics.
Dr. Ananda Mohan Mondal is currently an Assistant Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). His research interests include Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning with Special Interest in Deep Learning, and Bioinformatics.
Prior to joining FIU, Dr. Mondal was an Assistant Professor (2012-2018) of Computer Science in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Claflin University, South Carolina. At Claflin University, a liberal arts and primarily undergraduate teaching institute, Dr. Mondal was a strong proponent of bringing research to undergraduate classes he taught. He developed four courses to introduce his research in Big Data and Bioinformatics to undergraduate students at Claflin University. Students mentored by Dr. Mondal graduated with refereed publications in IEEE BIBE, IEEE BIBM, and BIOCOMP. As the culmination of his career at Claflin, Dr. Mondal received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award in 2017. He was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor at Claflin University in August 2018. In Bangladesh, Dr. Mondal served as a Lecturer and then as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of South Carolina in 2011.
See more about Dr. Mondal here: Home – Ananda Mondal (fiu.edu)
Giri Narasimhan
Algorithms, Bioinformatics, and Data Science
Dr. Narasimhan is a professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing & Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU) and is an expert in the area of Algorithms, Bioinformatics, and Data Science. He recently served as the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering and Computing. Dr. Narasimhan received a B.Tech. in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay. In 1989 he was awarded a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After being on the faculty in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis, he joined Florida International University as an associate professor in 2001 and was promoted to full professor in 2004. Dr. Narasimhan heads the Bioinformatics Research Group (BioRG) in Knight Foundation School of Computing & Information Sciences, and is involved in interdisciplinary research collaborating with diverse groups form different disciplines. He has twice won the Excellence in Research Award from SCIS and also the Excellence in Research Award from FIU. He is on the steering committee of the Biomolecular Sciences Institute. He is on the editorial board of international journals and has been a Program Committee member on numerous international conferences. He has given many Keynote addresses at international conferences and is the recipient of many research, training and equipment grants from Federal agencies such as NSF, NIH, and Army Research Office, and State agencies such as the Florida Department of Health, and from the industry.
See more about Dr. Narasimhan here: Prof. Giri Narasimhan (fiu.edu)
View Dr. Narasimhan’s projects here: Prof. Giri Narasimhan Projects
Niki Pissinou
Augmented Reality based Networks, Internet of Things
Dr. Pissinou has published over two hundred and fifty research papers in peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings and books chapters on networking, telecommunications, distributed systems, mobile computing, security and aspects of nontraditional data management including co-editing over four texts in the area of mobile and wireless networking and systems and over fourteen IEEE and ACM conference volumes. Widely cited in books and research papers, her research has been funded by NSF, DHS, NASA, DOT, DoD, state governments and industry. She has graduated over nineteen Ph.D. students who now hold positions in academia, federal government and industry. Dr. Pissinou has served as the general and technical program chair on a variety of ACM and IEEE conferences. She also served on hundreds of IEEE and ACM program committees, organizing committees, review panels, advisory boards, editorial boards etc. She has served as an editor of many journals including the IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering. She also has been the founder of many professional forums, including the ACM GIS. Dr. Pissinou has given keynote talks at various events and served as consultant to industry. Her achievements have been recognized by her peers, who have given her several awards and honors, including best paper awards.
Raju Rangaswami
Machine Learning
Raju Rangaswami is Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor at the Knight School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University in Miami, FL where he directs the Systems Research Laboratory. He received his B.Tech. degree in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara where he worked on building real-time storage systems for streaming multimedia applications. Raju’s current research targets next-generation enterprise and cloud computing systems with a focus on building scalable storage and memory solutions for data-intensive workloads. Raju has served as Program Chair for top storage research venues such as USENIX FAST and USENIX HotStorage. He has received CAREER awards from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy for his work on storage systems. His research is supported by awards and gifts from industry including an IBM Faculty Award, Intel ISRA award, NetApp Faculty Fellowships, and a Seagate Corporation gift. He has received the FIU Faculty Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activities.
See more about Dr. Rangaswami here: Raju Rangaswami (fiu.edu)
View Dr. Rangaswami’s projects here: Prof. Raju Rangaswami Projects
Fahad Saeed
Parallel Algorithms, Big Data, HPC, and Computational Systems Biology
Fahad Saeed is a tenured Associate Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU), Miami FL and is the director of Saeed Lab which is a parallel computing and data science group (https://saeedlab.cis.fiu.edu/). His research interests include parallel and distributed algorithms and architectures, computational proteomics, genomics, connectomics and big data problems in computational biology and bioinformatics.
Prior to joining FIU, Prof. Saeed was an Assistant Professor (2014-2018) in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science at Western Michigan University (WMU), Kalamazoo Michigan. He was tenured and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at WMU in July 2018. Dr. Saeed was a Post-Doctoral Fellow and then a Research Fellow in the Systems Biology Center at National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda MD from Aug 2010 to January 2014. He received his PhD in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in 2010.
See more about Dr.Saeed here: About me – Dr. Fahad Saeed
Xueping (Susan) Liang
Dr. Xueping (Susan) Liang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics in Florida International University. She obtained her Ph.D. (2019) from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and B.S. (2013) from Beijing Institute of Technology.
Her research is centered around cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI/machine learning, data provenance mechanisms, and privacy protection. Specifically, she is interested in designing distributed consensus models in Blockchain technology, adopting AI for enhancing cyber-resiliency in healthcare and IoT, and adressing various practical security issues in cloud computing. She has published more than 30 conference and journals papers, book chapters at reputed venues. One of her papers has been awarded as “Top 50 Influential Papers in Blockchain” at BlockchainConnect Conference, San Francisco, in January 2019. Her research has been funded by the Office of Naval Research and NSF IUCRC.
- Human-AI Collaboration in Cyber Defense
- Brief Description: This project aims at enhancing cybersecurity resilience by leveraging the collective intelligence of human experts and the analytical power of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Faced with increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, the project seeks to address the need for proactive and adaptive defense mechanisms, considering how to optimize the effectiveness and resilience in the human-AI collaboration process. It will integrate data from various sources, including network traffic, logs, and threat intelligence feeds, to provide a comprehensive view of the cyber landscape. Advanced machine learning and AI models will be developed to analyze data in real-time, identify anomalies, and make predictions about potential threats. Human analysts will collaborate with AI systems to validate and refine threat assessments. Their expertise will guide AI training and decision-making. The project will implement feedback loops to ensure that AI models improve over time by learning from human feedback and evolving threat scenarios.